Sunday, June 20, 2010

2 weeks of very good weather..and very small progress

Basically, in 2 weeks what has been done:
-Removal of main scaffolding
-Delivery of cladding
-Delivery of roof tiles for what's left to cover
-Roof rail installed

4 months have already passed since they started the construction...

On a eu 2 semaines de super beau temps et pas grand chose n'a ete fait:
- L'avant-toit a ete pose
- Le principal echafaudage enleve
- Livraison des plaques de fibres de ciment
- Livraison des tuiles restantes.
- Installation de la barriere autour de la toiture a couvrir.

Ca fait 4 mois qu'ils ont commence la construction.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Roof and lack of roof

I don't understand why the back of the house is not covered yet...i't's been raining a lot lately and the timber doesn't like it of course...
They managed to finish off the main part of the roof between 2 showers though...

La toiture est presque finie, mais on comprend pas trop pourquoi l'arriere de la maison n'a pas ete couverte.
Le bois n'aime pas ca et la moisissure commence a s'installer!