Saturday, March 27, 2010


We've received the building inspector report last week and we have 3 items requiring attention:

- The 90mm timber frame overhangs the concrete 30mm between the dining room and the leisure room. Additional support is required. Design to be by an engineer.

- The 90mm external kitchen/dining room wall overhangs the concrete slab up to 20mm. Additional support is required.

-The junction of the timber frame in the corner of the dining/leisure rooms has not been blocked and needs timber blocks or pressed metal angles installed.

Otherwise the frame is good.
I talked to my SS and he told me that he would fix those 3 items (just checked today, they're not fixed yet).

Also, we have a brick delivery delay (for some reason, Boral can't supply in time), we should get them beginning of April!

Plus.... Windows supplier has made a huge mistake with our windows...They have to make them all again!

So, there we go ... we're waiting, but are confident that Wisdom will make up the time (a shame, the weather has been so good lately!!!!)

Pas grand chose de neuf, la construction prend un peu de retard parcequ'ils nous ont fabrique les mauvaises fenetres, et que les briques ne sont pas disponibles avant le debut du mois d'avril.
Ca devrait donc bouger pas mal au mois d'avril quand tout est rentre dans l'ordre... Pour l'instant, on attend...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Gas and pipes

Since the 16/03/2010, a few things have been added....

Depuis le debut de la semaine, voila ce qui a ete ajoute...

Well, last Monday I notified our SS about the overhanging problem, and he told me that he would check with engineers if it needs to be fixed. I haven't received a call or an update, I have on the other hand received the invoice for the frame stage (which is obviously not finished according to The Australian Building Code).
Our independent inspector will let us know what still needs to be done next week (Hopefully monday).

I can see on that other builders give frequent updates about the construction (at least the starting dates of big stages), far for us, we haven't received one single call, unless we call!

Nowadays, with mobiles and internet, it's really a bad image for the builder...
If you live far from your house being built, it must be hard and frustrating to know what's going on on your land...(lucky for us, we live close).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A timber house!

Taking shape....

Voila le squelette!

Monday, March 15, 2010

1st floor...

The frame is going up quite fast, they've done what we can see on the pic on the first floor in one day.

La structure de bois se monte assez vite, le premier etage a ete monte en un jour...
Ca fait un peu peur de voir comment les maisons sont faites ici...mais c'est pour tout le monde pareil...(y'a quand meme des ingenieurs derriere tout ca! :-))

There is our first problem (photo below), the frame overhangs the slab by 2cm on the south side of the house and also on the East side.
I called our SS about that and he told me that it could and will be fixed if needed (it needs to be fixed, maximum overhang is 10mm).
I've on my side booked for an independent inspection of the frame to make sure that everything is up to the Australian Building Code Standards...

Voila notre premier probleme (y'en aura d'autres!!), la structure de bois qui depasse la dalle de 2cm cote Sud et cote Est.
Le chef de chantier dit que ca peut se rectifier si necessaire (c'est necessaire puisque j'ai verifie et la tolerance maximale de depassement est de 10mm).
On a pris rendez-vous avec notre inspecteur independant pour etre sur qu'ils font la rectification correctement et dans les standards australiens.

Photo du bas, cote Ouest, on a de la marge de 2cm...Y'a eu un petit probleme avec le coulage de la dalle, c'est certain...

The bottom picture, at the East side of the house shows some extra concrete after the frame (2cm) but it's not all the way....(weird) it really shows that we've had a problem with the slab initially...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Frame is going up ...

They have started (Friday 12 march) to put the frame up!
That was nice to walk through the ground floor for the first time :-) and to actually see the dimensions of the rooms.

Ils ont commence a monter la structure de bois vendredi.
C'etait la premiere fois aujourd'hui qu'on a pu marcher au rez de chaussee, c'etait bien de pouvoir voir les dimensions des pieces en vrai...

I haven't found any major issue I suppose...
But this is what I've found so far that doesn't make it "perfect" !

Voila les petites erreurs de construction que j'ai pu relever pour l'instant:

Those 2 pictures above show a slab with a little belly! It seems that the pressure of the concrete on the slab frame has made the slab to inflate slightly on the left side of the house (unless the wood is not straight, but I don't think so)
I will go back with some measuring tools to investigate deeper...
Hopefully, that won't be a major issue for bricking.

Sur les photos du dessus, on dirait que la dalle a pris un peu du bide, puisque la structure de bois n'est pas en alignement (a moins que ce soient les bois qui ne soient pas droits)...Faudra que j'aille etudier ca de plus pret (et seul, parceque avec les 2 filles qui courent partout sur un chantier en construction c'est pas facile!!!)
J'espere que y'aura pas de problemes pour le montage des briques.

The 2 pictures above show the back of the house, where the frame goes just over the slab...

A little accident happened there...ooppsss

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Delivery of the timber frame

Timber frame delivered!

La structure en bois est livree (c'est pas encore monte, la maison dans le fond c'est un voisin)!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Waiting for the frame...

Well ...the water drainage is now covered, and we have a temporary fence around the block.
I was hopping to see some wooden frame today, but it's gonna be for later, hopefully this week!

At least the pile of rubbish has disappeared! Another mystery... I don't know how it got there, I don't know who took it away! Well, I can't complain! :-)

En francais un peu maintenant: Pas grand chose de plus depuis la semaine derniere, juste une barriere temporaire et ils ont recouvert les tuyaux.
J'esperais voir la structure en bois aujourd' sera pour plus tard!

On avait trouve un beau tas de detritus devant notre terrain la semaine derniere, et ca a disparu! Mystere, on sait pas comment c'est venu, on sait pas comment c'est parti!! :-)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Nice delivery...

There are some very nice people in the area, who knew that I needed some broken ugly roof tiles and other they just dumped that on my land (actually, just in front...).
So thank to them!

If anybody knows a neighbour who just finished to clean up his mess in The Ponds - Kellyville Ridge area, with this same type of roof tiles (quite unusual actually), please let me know :-)
Ohh...a clue ! The dumper might be someone who loves rice according to the big bag they've used to pack their rubbish! lol

I wish Wisdom was doing that "dob a dumper reward" too...I would have taken the time to drive around longer to find them!! ah ah ah

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Piping around the house...

Wisdom... keep it up!
It's nice to see that the work gets done, and that some progress are made day after day.
We now have some piping all around the house, and a nice little itself!
The girls seem to enjoy their new house!

Petit a petit, ca progresse! On a maintenant des tuyaux un peu partout autour de la maison...
J'ai pris quelques photos avant qu'ils ne soient enteres pour un bon petit bout de temps!
Les filles semblent aimer leur nouvelle maison!